Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Research On Sound

Different types of sounds used in media.

Sound and music are a common thing that is an essential to most films. It has been noted that even in early times of the film industry even silent films still had some type of sound contributed to it. The sound is very beneficial in films it helps identify the imaginary world, it can provide and give an audience hints to know a character's mood or if an environment is bad or not. In addition, sound allows viewers to identify these type of things and seek out important information in films.

Diegetic Sound

 What is a Diegetic sound?

Diegetic sound is a sound that only the characters on the screen can hear, thus making the sound of one character talking to another a diegetic sound.

 What is a Non-Diegetic sound?

A Non-Diegetic sound is the opposite of a Diegetic sound it is a sound that the audience can hear but the characters can not. Any music in the background is an example of a non-digetic sound  it just adds to scenery and atmosphere it is not something the characters are supposed to hear.

Another different type of sound:


What is Non-simultaneous sound?

A non-simultaneous sound is a sound that performs early in the story, earlier than an image in a film. This type of sound can help the viewers gain information about the film without even watching the scenes take place. See how sound is very valuable. Good sound is key to a good production. 


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