A blog is a website in which a person owns. A blog revolves around people making entries and posts which could be about entirely anything. You could say that a blog is your own personal diary and outlet where you have the ability to express yourself and gain followers whilst doing it. A blog has various features such as it allows people to post pictures, make posts, and also allows people to network with other people.
Many people use blogs to their advantage and start to make an income of it, by placing ads and by recieving sponsorships. Some bloggers even get products sent to them for free by companies, companies do this in hopes of getting their product out their in the market and reached to a bigger audience.
Blogs are very interactive as they give people the freedom to communicate to each other and comment on other peoples posts and pictures on their blog. For example, I own a blog and so far it has allowed me to submit work on posts and has given people, worldwide to see my posts and comment. You may think that just because you live in london and have a blog that only people from london will see your posts, but their has been many cases where people abroad have seen my level 2 media blog.
Another way a blog can be interactive is through forums, Many people tend to create a forum blog, which is a blog where people can discuss various topics and leave their opinions. A forum gives people the chance to make friends and debate on loads of different subjects. In forums a community of people are made and sometimes events are created in order for people to meet up and connect with one another.
On blogger you would just have to go to settings and you would have a choice of different types of themes that you could apply to your blog. You could also purchase themes online if the themes that blogger have are to plain and dull.
Most blogs now have the feature where you download a mobile app where you can enter your blog making it easier for you to edit and alter your blog when you're outside rather than at your home on a computer.
This function is great as it allows users to have the opprutunity to edit their blog even if they're in a different enviroment or in a place where their is no computers avalible.
Many people use blogs to their advantage and start to make an income of it, by placing ads and by recieving sponsorships. Some bloggers even get products sent to them for free by companies, companies do this in hopes of getting their product out their in the market and reached to a bigger audience.
Are blogs interactive?
Blogs are very interactive as they give people the freedom to communicate to each other and comment on other peoples posts and pictures on their blog. For example, I own a blog and so far it has allowed me to submit work on posts and has given people, worldwide to see my posts and comment. You may think that just because you live in london and have a blog that only people from london will see your posts, but their has been many cases where people abroad have seen my level 2 media blog.
Here I present to you the different audiences I recieve on my blog.
Guru Gossip
A very popular forum blog where people talk about famous Youtubers, some tend to talk postive about these Youtubers and some negative.
Youtubers are people who have a YouTube account and make videos.
As you can see at the top of the website it says ''TRASH A GURU'' - This shows that their is a specific post where people can talk negatively of a person.
Another forum blog Lipstick Alley
Where people discuss topics about anything and anyone it could be about a celebrity or a personal issue that a person needs help on.
The Main Functions of a blog
The functions of a blog are endless, blogs provide a lot of features.
Such as :
- Customization choice
It gives people the permission to customize their blog to their specific taste. So if a person wants their blog to be all black they could just change the color or if someone wants a wallpaper as their background they could upload one.
They are thousands of headers and free themes online that people can download and use to give their blog some personality and style.
For example on Wordpress you could purchase different themes. You could purchase a magazine personal theme where your blog will appear in a magazine format and have magazine style fonts which would be bold fonts and colorful. Or you could purchase a clean and minimal theme where your blog will consist of the colors black and white and would appear to be very neat and organised.
- Being able to share posts
A blog allows users to share their blog and posts to a wider audience that is not only national but also international. You could share your blog through big social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many more known more social media platforms.
We are now in a era of technology that allows people to share their interest through a number of social media platforms to thousands and millions of people. Just by the touch of a button an indivual can share anything to a variety of social media platforms that have a wider audience unlike the days where we used to communicate and share things through letters that took days to have to be posted. Social media platforms are something that are instant.
- Can edit your blog anywhere!
Most blogs now have the feature where you download a mobile app where you can enter your blog making it easier for you to edit and alter your blog when you're outside rather than at your home on a computer.
This function is great as it allows users to have the opprutunity to edit their blog even if they're in a different enviroment or in a place where their is no computers avalible.
- Quick posting & publishing
When posting things on blogs it publishes immediately and can even be published at atime schedule you have set, making people access up to date information that can go to audiences quickly so they never miss a update.

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